Catalogo pompe gasolio distributori filtri FLUID Catalogue [pdf-3,5Mb]

Detailed presentation of FLUID products, as:
- Diesel Transfer Pumps 12/24V - 230V/50Hz
- Diesel Dispenser
- Transportable Diesel Tank , with Approvals
- Diesel Fillter with Water Adsorbing facilities
- 3 or 4 digit Flow Meter
- Refuelling nozzles, rubber hoses and other accessories.

diesel pumps filter nozzles tanks flow meter fluid

FLUID Products List [pdf-1,3 Mb]

Short presentation of FLUID products, complete of P/N and picture of every item.

pieghevole pompe travaso gasolio distributori filtri pistoleFLUID Leaflet [pdf-2,3 Mb]

Printable version of the FLUID leaflet concerning diesel transfer pumps, diesel dispenser, filters, flow meters, tanks, nozzles, rubber hoses and other accessories.



diesel flow meter mechanic electronic Diesel Meter Mechanic and Electronic Leaflet [pdf-2,5 Mb]