Battery Diesel Transfer Pumps and Distributors - Flow rate 60 Lt./min

FLC 60Diesel oil fuel transfer pump with battery motor 12V 24V FLK 60battery 12V 24V diesel fuel transfer pump with hoses nozzle
FLD 60battery diesel fuel transfer pump kit for drum FLD 60 Mkit pompaper gasolio da fusto con contalitri
FLW 60 battery diesel fuel dispenser, with meter, hose and nozzle FLW 60 F stazione travaso gasolio a parete con filtro
FLP 60 battery diesel fuel distributor station FLP 60 Fstazione di rifornimento con filtro
FLT 60Battery diesel fuel distributor 12V 24V FLT 60 Fdistributore gasolio con filtro, a batteria, per cisterne e serbatoi
Other lay-out are available (i.e kits including meter, manual nozzle, hoses with longer or shorter lenght, etc.), following application and customer needs.